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Stay up to date on events and opportunities by following us on Facebook and Instagram.
Do you need to complete an internship or research for your major? Are you looking for a way to gain more experience in farming or food systems? Searching for a work study opportunity? The Field & Fork Program offers many opportunities to gain professional, hands-on experience for any major. Please visit the internships page for more information.
AT THE FARM: Volunteer opportunities at the farm will start up again in January. Sign up here to receive more information. See you soon!
AT THE ALAN AND CATHY HITCHCOCK FIELD & FORK PANTRY: To learn about the operations of a pantry and help with inventories and stocking shelves, or to host a food drive, click here.
Many classes are taught in collaboration with the Field & Fork Program in a host of different disciplines. Below are some examples of past courses. For more information on current classes being taught in collaboration with the Field & Fork Program, check out our Facebook page, or visit the Classes page.
Example Classes:
- AEC 4504 Curriculum & Program Planning for Agricultural Education
- ALS 4932 Urban Agriculture and Food Systems
- AGR 3501 Environment, Food, and Society
- AGR 4212 Alternative Cropping Systems
- AGR 4214C Applied Field Crop Production
- AGR 4231 Forage Science
- AGR 4320 Plant Breeding
- AGR 4932 Tropical Crop Production
- AGR 6442C Physiology of Agronomic Plants
- ANT 6930/4930 Tropical Gardens: Creating a Latin American Garden
- ALS 3153 Agricultural Ecology
- ALS 4932 UF Community Farm Practicum
- ARC Design Studio – Design/Build Project Garden Seating Area
- ART 4639 Advanced Experiments in Art and Technology
- ART 6933 Consumption, Production, Digestion, Excretion: Graduate Seminar in Art and Technology
- EVS 3000L Environmental Science Lab
- PLS 3004C Principles of Plant Science
- SWS 4602C Soil Physics
Graduate Assistantship
The Field & Fork Campus Food Program offers graduate assistantships to conduct research on
sustainable agriculture and food systems. The graduate assistantship is for two years, with our next one starting in Fall of 2025. Applications will be accepted during the Fall of 2024. For more information, please contact Kelli Brew.
Many clubs participate with our program by helping in the Farm and Gardens, hosting food drives, or volunteering with the Alan and Cathy Hitchcock Pantry. Some groups work with us to host or collaborate on events and programs, such as:
- UF Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences
- The Culinary Arts Student Union
- The Food Recovery Network
- The Ethnoecology Society
- The Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Club
- Agronomy and Soils Club
- Food Science and Human Nutrition Club
If your club would like to host a food drive for the Pantry, visit the Alan and Cathy Hitchcock Pantry site. If you would like to participate with the Gardens, please contact Kelli Brew.